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Projektdorf Ngeleka

Unser Projektdorf Ngeleka liegt im DISRICT MWANZA etwa 15 km von der Stadt Mwanza entfernt, die sich als große Hafenstadt direkt am Südostufer des Viktoriasees im Norden Tansanias befindet.

Fläche: 7,5 km²
Haushalte: 350
Einwohner: 2275 (1120 weiblich; 1155 männlich)

  • 80 Waisen oder Vollwaisen (hauptsächlich AIDS)
  • 115 Haushalte leben in sehr armen Verhältnissen (critical problem)


  • Anbau von Reis und Mais (sehr bescheiden, oft Missernten wegen Trockenheit)
  • Teilweise kleine Viehaltung
  • Alle Infos dieser Erhebung (hier auf Englisch) stammen von unseren Freunden ROBERT RWEYEMERA und JAPHET JAMES NGELELKA

Originaltext in Englisch


After discussion between I, japhet and WEO here are some important details we get:

  • Ngeleka village is located at misungwi district in Mwanza region, it has 7.5km2 area of coverage
  • Number of households; there are 350 households in Ngeleka village
  • Number of residents; there are about 2275 residents living in Ngeleka village

Number of women and men; there are 1126 women and 1149 men in Ngeleka village

In social services these are details; There is no dispensary in Ngeleka village, it is about 5km where there is health service centre, we tried to ask how do they get quick health services other than that they expect to the next village dispensary, these were an answers; she said government used to send health officers weekly to the village which means there is a highly demand of health service.

There are about 80 orphans who caused by different reasons such as AIDS and pregnant to aged women. Also there are 115 poor households that is a critical problem facing the village.

Apart from that information also we went further by asking on economic activities taking place in the village and gender balance as well as ownership of property between men and women. In reality among economic activities are Agriculture especially horticulture, rice and maize but not dominant, also livestock keeping is taking place in the village, therefore these are economic opportunities that can change per capital income of household. Women have no right of land ownership among families and there number of cases concerning gender imballace.